Saturday, November 15, 2014

Snowbaby Strain

We have been obtaining and growing goji seeds from different sources around the world for several years now. 

There are many varieties of goji growing in and around China.  Some have yellow berries or yellow leaves.  Some have curly leaves.  Sometimes the berries are sweet and tiny.  Sometimes the berries are large and less sweet, like a tomato.  When you consider that it is a member of a larger group of plants known as boxthorn, which contains over 70 different species, it's not surprising to learn that there are even black and orange berries that could technically be categorized as 'goji'.  Different varieties of boxthorn grow all around the world and they are all generally hardy plants.

One particular strain that I am a little excited about is a wild type strain or traditional Da Ma Ye medicinal type plant that we obtained from a Canadian source.  It's exciting because the leaves, roots, berries and even the flowers are all used in traditional Chinese medicine.  They all make an excellent tea and are supposed to be strengthening and vitalizing. 

The plants from this variety are growing quickly and are covered in dark green foliage, which may have some use as a biomass crop or for livestock feed.

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